Terms of sale

These conditions define the sales process of ordering, payment, delivery and return of goods or complaint offered on our site. Supplier (Seller) is Alavi Natural cosmetics Ltd. The buyer of the goods is a visitor to the web shop who selects at least one product, puts it in the cart, pays by credit card, e-banking, bank transfer (money order) in the bank (post or FINA), paypal and sends the order to the Seller, or sends an order for an item to be paid in cash on delivery (cash on delivery).


Ordering goods is possible 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Goods are ordered thought the electronic form. If the seller is unable to deliver all the ordered items he will deliver those that he can, and the delivery date for the remainder of the order will be sent to the Buyer in writing. The customer can accept or decline the delivery of the remaining products. If the Buyer does not have an e-mail address he will be notified by phone.


Payments on bank account (Internet banking / post office / bank / FINA)

All prices are stated in Euro.

Upon taking over the goods from the delivery company.

Through the web shop www.alavicosmetcis.eu the customer is enabled to buy all products that are on the pages of the Seller .

The currency is the Euro (EUR) .

Alavi Natural Cosmetics doo, Dragutina Tadijanovića 3, 51000 Rijeka , OIB: 90525566697 is the owner of the website www.alavicosmetics.eu

Credit card

American Express, MasterCard, Maestro, Visa

American Express Diners Club International Discover Dinacard MasterCard Maestro Visa

Ordered products with shipping cost (if applicable), the Buyer shall pay to the Seller by credit card, cash on delivery when the goods are delivered or by bank payment through the website CorvusPay with American Express, Visa or Maestro and MasterCard cards. In case the buyer orders the goods and refuses to receive it, the Seller shall be entitled to seek compensation from the Buyer for postal and own handling charges.

Conversion statement (in the case of international purchases)

All payments will be executed in Euro. When charging your credit card the same amount is converted into your local currency according to the exchange rate of credit card associations.

Returns and complaints

These Terms as well as some Conditions of Sale specified along with individual information about certain products constitute an offer of Alavi Natural Cosmetics for conclusion of the Contract. The user, as a customer, with their registration, completion of an order or otherwise determined by these Conditions accepts the same, which is considered to be a conclusion of a contract between the User and Alavi natural cosmetics Ltd., according to the conditions of sale set forth in these terms.

The subject and the commercial purpose of the Agreement is the purchase of selected products or services by Alavi Natural cosmetics web shop in exchange for payment - price of the product or service. The contract is concluded with the means of distance communication (contract concluded at a distance), and this through: press advertising with an order form, telephone with human intervention and without it, and the Internet.

The contract comes into force and shall be binding from the moment the customer accepts the offer Alavi Natural Cosmetics on one of the following ways:

• selecting payment and completion of an order as a registered user on alavicosmetics.com,

• selecting payment and completion of an order as a guest user on alavicosmetics.com,

a) In the process of registration or creation of a user account, the user is required to choose the name or username under which he will obtain the services, choose a security password and provide a valid e-mail address. All data required for registration or creation of a user account must be true, it is explicitly prohibited to give out  the registration data or use other people's data.

b) Registration or creation of an account is valid for one person only and it is not allowed to transmit information of the registration or account to third parties. User is obliged to keep information about their security password and account. It is not permissible to use someone else's registration or account.

c) Violation of the provisions of the Terms of this chapter, Alavi Natural cosmetics, reserves the right, at its own discretion, to extinguish the registration or account of a user without having to compensate any cost or damage.

d) By registering (which includes payment of the services), is considered an Contract that was concluded between Alavi natural cosmetics Ltd. and the user, as a customer.

e) The Contract shall enter into force upon the registration of the users, or from the date when the user accepts the offer for conclusion of such an Contract.

f) On the occasion of the conclusion of the Contract,  the User shall receive a confirmation of a concluded contract or pre-contractual information referred to in Article 57 para. 1 of the Consumer Protection Act (Official Gazette no. 41/2014), these terms and conditions, the information on the right of the user to unilateral termination of the Contract with the form for the unilateral termination of the Contract under Article 61 paragraph 1 and 2 of the Consumer protection Act.

g) The user can unilaterally terminate the contract within 14 (fourteen) days without giving a reason. The user has no right to unilaterally terminate the Agreement:

- If the service is completely fulfilled, and the fulfillment began with his explicit prior consent and with the confirmation that he is familiar with the fact that they will lose the right to unilaterally terminate the Contract if a service is completely fulfilled,

- If the subject of the Contract are sealed goods that for medical or hygienic reasons is not suitable for return, if it was unsealed after delivery,

- If the subject of the Contract are goods which because of their nature are after delivery inseparably mixed with other things,

- If the subject of the Contract is the delivery of sealed audio or video recordings or computer software which were unsealed after delivery and

- If the subject of the Contractis the  delivery of newspapers, magazines or periodical press, with the exception of subscription contracts for such publications.

To be able to exercise the right to unilaterally terminate the Contract the User must notify Alavi Natural cosmetics of its decision to unilaterally terminate the contract before the deadline by an unambiguous statement sent by post (to Allawi Natural Cosmetics Ltd., Dragutina Tadijanovića 3, 51 000 Rijeka), or by e-mail at info@alavicosmetics.com, in which the User shall state his name, address, telephone number, fax number or email address, or he can use the provided written form for unilateral termination of the Contract.

Also, the Form for unilateral termination of the Contract, which can be found at this link the user can electronically fill out and send, in which his case Alavi Natural Cosmetics will, without delay, submit a receipt notice of unilateral termination of the Contract by e-mail.

The deadline for unilateral termination of the contract is 14 (fourteen) days from the date when the user or a third party designated by the user, which is not a carrier, has obtained possesion of the commodity that is the subject of the Contract, or in the case of a services, from the date of the completion of the Contract.

If the user unilaterally terminates the contract,a return of the money received from him will be executed, including the costs of delivery, without delay, and no later than fourteen (14) days from the date when Alai Natural Cosmetics receives the user's decision of the unilateral termination of the Contract, unless the user has selected a different type of delivery, which is not the cheapest standard delivery that is offered. Refunds will be made in the same way that the user has paid for. If the user agrees to alternative way of the refund of the amount paid, he will not bear any costs in relation to the refund. Refunds Alavi Natural Cosmetics can be made only after the goods are returned or after a proof has been submitted to demonstrate that the goods are sent back.

The User is obliged to deliver the goods or send them to the Alavi natural cosmetics Ltd. (Alavicosmetics.eu), Dragutina Tadijanovića 3, 51000 Rijeka, without undue delay, and in any case not later than 14 (fourteen) days from the day that he sent Alavi Natural Cosmetics its decision to unilaterally terminate the Contract. The direct cost for the return of the goods must be borne by the user himself. The user is asked to contact info@alavicosmetics.com prior to the termination so that the procedure for returning the goods can be explained.

Customer is responsible for any impairment of the goods resulting from the handling of goods, other than that it was necessary to determine the nature, characteristics and functionality of the goods.

If the execution of the services has started on the request of the user during the period for unilateral termination of the Contract, the user is required to pay Alavi Natural Cosmetics the amount that is proportional to that which was delivered up to the moment when the user has informed Alavi Natural Cosmetics about the unilateral termination of the Contract.

The Form for the unilateral termination of the contract can be downloaded HERE.

h) In case of material defects, the seller is liable for material defect of the products sold on its website in accordance with applicable regulations, in particular the Law of Obligations of the Republic of Croatia.

In the case of apparent defect of products at delivery (eg, damage to packaging), the buyer is not required to take the delivered product, can refuse to receive it, and doed not bear the costs of delivery of such products. It is believed that the products that were duly received by the customer did not have a visible defect.

If the product has a hidden defect (eg. The product is broken, scratched as a result of transport or incorrect storage) which the buyer determines upon the opening of the product without the use, installation, and putting the product into operation, which determined by the authorized service – the customer has the right to unilaterally terminate the contract and refund, exchange of products, removal of the deficiency or reduction of the price.

i) The products for which we give out warranties in accordance with the law and warranties by certain manufacturers have a warranty card. The right to use the warranty is obtained by presentation of the receipt and the warranty card. The buyer shall keep the warranty card and reciept. The date of the invoice d is the beginning date of the activation of all warranties. With the description of the product the warranty period of each product is specified.

In the case of the issuance of the warranty card by which the manufacturer guarantees the correctness of products during the specified time, the buyer may, if the product has a defect, demand that the product within a reasonable period is repaired, or that instead of the repairment he is delivered a second fully functional product. If during the warranty period a defect on the product occurs it shall be delivered to the authorised service listed in the warranty.

The right to use the guarantee is carried out exclusively with presentation of the invoice. The buyer shall keep the warranty card and invoice. Malfunction of the product resulting from improper use and / or failure to comply with the instructions is not covered by the warranty. Service and sales of spare parts for the purchased product is provided by authorized service center listed in the warranty.

Customer protection

3D Secure protection for all traders and buyers

• CorvusPay system uses the highest standards of protection and data privacy

• All merchants who use CorvusPay are included in the 3D secure protection, ensuring customers of the web shop that the shopping is safe

• Credit card numbers of customers are not stored on the system and their registration is protected by the SSL encryption

Certification by PCI DSS standards

CorvusPay system is continuously working to improve the safety and to validate it. From this year on it will be confirmed that it operates to the highest standards prescribed by the credit card companies.

• PCI Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) is a standard that defines security measures for the processing, storage and transmission (communication) of credit card data.

Order confirmation

Notice of the order confirmation customer will receive by e-mail after the purchase, which includes all legally required details.


Terms of delivery

Delivery of goods is done by express delivery within 3-5 working days (for international orders contact us for specific delivery dates). If the products are immediately available the delivery will be made within 48 hours after receipt of order. The user will be notified about the mode of the delivery at the time of ordering goods (electronically or by telephone, depending on the mode of purchase which the customer chooses). If the goods are not available, the seller will inform the customer (in writing or by telephone) about possible deliveries. The customer can then accept a new delivery date or cancel the order. Should the buyer cancel the order, the seller will pay back the amount charged no later than 30 days from when the delay occurred, plus default interest. The buyer is obliged upon the retrieval of the goods to check for any damage and immediately make a complaint to the delivery company who delivered the goods or reject to take the package that has been visible external damage.

Other terms of delivery

The products will be packaged so that they cannot be damaged by the usual manipulation in transport. The buyer is obliged to check for any damage upon receiving the package and immediately make a complaint to the delivery worker who delivered goods or reject to take package that has visible external damage. The merchandise is insured against loss in delivery.

The cost of delivery

The shipping cost for international orders shall be calculated during the completion of the order. Charges are applied according to the assigned zone to which a particular country belongs.

Zone 1: Slovenia, Hungary, Slovakia, Austria, Romania, Checz republic

For orders up to 99,99 eur – 8,00 eur shipping charges

For orders above 110,00 eur – delivery free of charge

Zone 2: Serbia**, Poland, Germany, Lichtenstein**, Bulgaria, Switzerland, Belgium, The Netherlands, Luxembourg

For orders up to 109,99 eur – 8,60 eur

For orders above 110 eur – delivery free of charge

Zone 3: Italy, San Marino ***, Vatican***, Monaco***, Denmark, France, Great Britain, Ireland

For orders up to 119,99 eur – 9,99 eur

For orders above 120 eur – delivery free of charge

Zone 4: Lithuania, Latvia, Sweden, Estonia, Turkey**, Norway**, Spain, Portugal, Cypress***, Greece, Malta***, Finland, Andorra**, Gibraltar***

For orders up to 149,99 eur – 15,20 eur

For orders above 150 eur – delivery free of charge

** Duration of the custom clearance min. + 2 working days, + 21 eur customs charges for exported goods. In case of DDP additionally to the customs of the exported goods a charge for customs at the destination country shall be applied. The customs fee is calculated for each individual customer.